Searchium is a port of the search engine daemon from VsChromium to VS Code.
Workspaces should contain a vs-chromium-project.txt file in the root. See the VsChromium documentation for the format.
Extension Commands
searchium.newSearch: Summons a quickinput window to search for the entered string.
searchium.focusSearch: Reveals the searchium controls and focuses on the search query input box. Default binding: ctrl+shift+'
searchium.searchCurrentToken: Searches for the current selected text or the token under the cursor in the active text editor. Default binding: ctrl+shift+;
searchium.toggleCaseSensitivity: Toggle whether searches are case sensitive or not. Default binding: alt+c with the searchium controls focused.
searchium.toggleWholeWord: Toggle searching for a whole word or allowing substring matches. Default binding: alt+w with the searchium controls focused.
searchium.toggleRegex: Toggle between searching plain text queries or with regular expressions. Default binding: alt+r with the searchium controls focused.
searchium.openDetails: Open a window with details about the search index.
searchium.clearHistory: Clear search history
searchium.nextResult: Focus the next result in the results view and open the result in a preview editor.
searchium.previousResult: Focus the previous result in the results view and open the result in a preview editor.
searchium.previousQuery: Move one step backwards in the search history and repeat that search.
searchium.nextQuery: Move one step forwards in the search history and repeat that search.
Extension Settings
searchium.maxResults: Maximum number of results to return in queries.
searchium.loggingLevel: Can be set to Debug, Information, Warning, Error or None to control log output from the extension.
Binaries for the search server are not submitted to github. They need to be placed into the 'bin' subdirectory of the repository.