The To-Do List Extension is a simple and efficient tool for managing your tasks directly within Visual Studio Code. Easily add, view, and remove tasks with due dates and reminders.
Add Task: Quickly add a new task with an due time.
Remove Task: Remove a task from your list.
View Tasks: View all your tasks and their due dates.
Add Task
Command: To-Do List: Add Task
Description: Adds a new task to your to-do list.
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Type To-Do List: Add Task and press Enter.
Enter your task in the input box.
Now, enter a due time in the format 10m, 2h, 1d, or a specific date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.
Remove Task
Command: To-Do List: Remove Task
Description: Removes a task from your to-do list.
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Type To-Do List: Remove Task and press Enter.
Select the task you want to remove from the list.
View Tasks
Command: To-Do List: View Tasks
Description: Views all tasks in your to-do list.
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Type To-Do List: View Tasks and press Enter.
View the list of tasks and their due dates.
Due Time Input Format
When adding a task, you can specify a due time in one of the following formats:
Relative Time:
10m for 10 minutes
2h for 2 hours
1d for 1 day
Specific Date and Time:
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (e.g., 2025-01-12 17:00)
Open Visual Studio Code.
Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+X.
Search for "To-Do List Extension".
Click "Install" to install the extension.
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Type To-Do List to see the available commands.
Select the desired command to add, remove, or view tasks.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.