DPA-MLOpsThis is a tool to quickly spin up an MLFlow tracking server with a couple of clicks instead of worrying about the credentials, and backend addresses. Focus on training ML models while we take care of boring parts of MLOps. How to usePress Press 'Settings' and update the fields with credentials given by IT team and save. Now, either navigate the UI with 'DPA MLOps: Home' command or use 'MLOps: Quick Server' and 'MLOps: Stop Server' for a fast, no-non-sense experience Features
RequirementsNeed to have anaconda or miniconda installed. Extension SettingsYou will be able to save and modify the login credentials that will be stored in your home directory. Port and IP of deployed tracking server can be modified. Known IssuesClosing VS code will stop all ongoing servers. Has a complicated relation to ssh. Release Notes0.0.1First release: Included faster no-UI experience in addition to UI Working on features