Create a Flutter Ready Directory.
Create a BLOC supported project folders for easy files managing.
These Snapshots are for normal project
Screenshot of folders
Screenshot of files
This Extension requires VS Code to work.
Release Notes
This is third version.
Add folder for BLOC pattern creation.
These folders will be created in BLOC command:
bloc -: BLOC files
config -: all the configuration files like string,styles.images,etc.
db -: all the database related file which will communicate with local db in platform
l10n -: language translation
models -: all the models which are required in the application.
repository -: repo folder which will contains all the repo files which are used to decide from which source it has to fetch the data. For eg. local db, firebase, or server.
screens -: all the screens of the application are placed here.
services -: used for services like firebase communication, local database communication, permission handler,server communication,shared preference handler etc.
widgets -: all common widgets are placed here.
packages -: user defined library or packages can be placed here.
There are some file inside these folders which are also created for guide. check them by installing this extension and runing these two different commands:
To create this folder project structure type this
Then Run one of these.
FPD:: Create Folders for Flutter Project FPD:: Create BLOC Folders for Flutter Project
Initial release includes the project directory for the basic structure of flutter project.