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postcss-vue README
Syntax highlighting, code completion, and error checking in Vue SFCs with Postcss.
:warning: This extension is experimental, immature, and not recommended for use
[ ] Vue Single File Component (SFC) PostCSS syntax highlighting
[x] Basic CSS highlighting
[x] Variables, at-rules (mixins, if, function, etc)
[ ] Testing
[ ] Module support
[ ] SFC PostCSS error checking/lint
[ ] SFC PostCSS code completion (including variables in modules)
Nice to have
[ ] Support core features in standalone files
[x] Basic CSS highlighting
[x] Variables, at-rules (mixins, if, function, etc)
[ ] Testing
[ ] Module support
[ ] Show variable values on hover/jump on cmd click
This extension is built and tested using the latest @vue/compiler-sfc
package, in with Vue3 projects that use only PostCSS in <style>
blocks. Other use cases are not supported, but feel free to open an issue/PR.
Extension Settings
: enable/disable this extension
Publish doesn't work at the moment with PNPM: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-vsce/issues/421
Use the following procedure as a temporary workaround (this example creates a local package):
rm -rf node_modules
npm i
npx vsce package