Anchor Group Dev Help
- NOTE: This extension requires nvm.
Command Pallete Commands:
- AG: Setup SuiteCommerce Repo - Setup all or part of a SuiteCommerce repository for development.
- AG: Create SuiteScript - Generate a SuiteScript template.
- AG: Create SuiteCommerce Templates - Generate default SuiteCommerce objects like Views, Forms, Collections, etc.
Custom Gulp Commands: (temporarily removed)
Note: Like all gulp commands, be sure to run these in either the Extensions or Theme folder of your repo.
- gulp f ---- runs "gulp extension:fetch" or "gulp theme:fetch" depending on your location
- gulp l ---- runs "gulp extension:local" or "gulp theme:local" depending on your location
- gulp um ---- runs "gulp extension:update-manifest" or "gulp theme:update-manifest" depending on your location
- gulp c ---- runs "gulp extension:create"
- gulp d ---- runs "gulp extension:deploy"
Anchor Group Snippets
Suitescript Snippets
The following snippets exist for SuiteScripts:
start typing the text in quotes to bring up the snippet examples
"log" module
"record" module
- create
- load
- save
- delete
- submitFields
- selectLine
- selectNewLine
- getValue
- setValue
"search" module
- create
- createPaged
- load
- lookupFields
"runtime" module
- getCurrentScript
- getCurrentUser
- executionContext
- getParameter
- getRemainingUsage
"email" module
- "sublistLoop" => simple loop over a sublist
- "getSublistValue"
- "setSublistValue"
SuiteCommerce Snippets
The following snippets exist for SuiteCommerce:
start typing the text in quotes to bring up the snippet examples
Load components
- "layout"
- "registerView" => layout.registerView
- "environment"
- "getConfig" => get configuration
- "myaccountmenu"
- "addGroup" => add menu group
- "removeGroup" => remove native menu group
- NOTE: "MyAccountMenu" and "MyAccountMenuSource" are a dependency and variable name respectively and should be added to the define/function arguments.
- "addGroupEntry" => add menu subgroup
- "cart"
- "checkout"
- "plp"
- "pdp" => load component and iteminfo
- "pagetype"
- "registerPageType" => pagetype.registerPageType example
- "userprofile" => load component and userProfile
- "wrap" => simple function wrap for adding context to source code
- "getBreadcrumbPages" => example 'getBreadcrumbPages' function
- "getSelectedMenu" => example 'getSelectedMenu' function
- "beforeShowContent" => example 'beforeShowContent' function
- "addChildView" => example child view declaration
- "addConfirmationModal" => example 'GlobalViews.Confirmation.View' declaration
- "addMessageModal" => example 'GlobalViews.Message.View' declaration
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