JavaWizJavaWiz is a visualization plugin for Java programs targeted at programming beginners. Users can step through the program line by line and follow the execution in the visualization panel. JavaWiz is developed and maintained by the Institute for System Software, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. FeaturesAt the moment it provides eight visualizations:
How to useThe extension requires at least JDK 17 to run. StartAfter installing JavaWiz from the VSCode marketplace and opening a .java file, the tool can be started by either:
NavigationAn explanation of the user interface can be accessed by clicking on the Help button inside JavaWiz. The arrow buttons in the toolbar navigate through the program, the yellow arrow restarts the program. It is possible to step back and repeat parts of the program, i.e., there's no need to restart the program to re-inspect previous steps. The current status (live or replay) is displayed in the toolbar. The visualization tools (heap view, desk test, etc.) can be revealed using the selection buttons on the main view. To close a tool, press ❌. Some tools are customizable. Change their settings by pressing ⚙. Code completionFor didactic reasons, certain code completion features can be activated and deactived using JavaWiz. For this, use the Disable Advanced Java Support and Enable Advanced Java Support context menu items in the editor. Further informationPlease note that the tool is targeted at beginners and is under active development, so not all language features of Java might be supported. Icon sources: