To start using this utility perform following steps, You only need this steps one time for each workspace.
Use command "Select target org" to select the org that you want to develop callback with
Use command "Setup Turbo callback Project for current Workspace" to setup the callback type and name you want help for development
use command "Deploy callback to turbo" to push the code to turbo environment
You can also use “Retrieve callback from Turbo” command to fetch latest code from Turbo to local environment
Additional Commands
1. Refresh Product Group Member in Turbo Config
2. Refresh Product Family in Turbo Config
3. Refresh Product Offering in Turbo Config
4. Publish Bundle in Turbo config
5. Get Publish Details from Turbo config
Deploy on Save : Use this setting to enable turbo callback deployment on file save
Ignore File List for Callback Deployment : Provide list of extension or full filenames to exclude
Ignore folder List for Callback Deployment : Provide folder names to exclude