Sass Mixins Snippets
This Sass snippet package includes a collection of useful mixins to speed up CSS development..
Mixins List
Flexbox Advanced
Snippet !flex-advance
This mixin simplifies the creation of flexible containers using Flexbox properties. It allows customization of the flex container's direction, justification, alignment, and wrapping with gapping for the space. The flexibility of this mixin is valuable for creating responsive and dynamic layouts.
Flexbox Basic
Snippet !flex-basic
This mixin simplifies the creation of flexible containers by applying the display: flex, flex-direction, justify-content, and align-items properties. It makes it easy to customize" "the flex layout according to the needs of each container.
Grid-layout Basic
Snippet !grid-basic
This mixin simplifies the creation of layouts using CSS Grid. It allows for easy specification of the number of columns and the gap between grid cells. It streamlines the creation of more complex and structured layouts using CSS Grid.
Grid-layout Advanced
Snippet !grid-advanced
This mixin simplifies the creation of layouts using CSS Grid. It allows for easy specification of the number of columns and the gap between grid cells with an Item. It streamlines the creation of more complex and structured layouts using CSS Grid.
Snippet !button
This mixin provides a convenient way to apply consistent styles to buttons. It accepts, optional parameters for customizing the button's background color, text color, padding, and border. The :hover state darkens the background ,color slightly, creating a subtle hover effect.
Snippet !media
This mixin simplifies the creation of media rules by defining a specific breakpoint. It allows for writing styles specific to different screen sizes, improving the responsiveness of the design.
Extra include media breakpoints mixins for desktop, tablet and smarthphone.
Snippet !box-shadow
This mixin streamlines the application of shadows to elements. You can customize the, position on the X-axis, position on the Y-axis, blur, and color of the shadow. This simplifies the, creation of consistent shadows across the site.
Placeholder Text
Snippet !placeholder
This mixin simplifies styling placeholders for form elements. It enables easy customization of the placeholder text color, enhancing visual consistency within forms.
Snippet !transition
This mixin allows for the easy application of transitions to specific CSS properties, You can customize the property to be animated, the duration of the transition, and the timing function. This improves code readability and facilitates consistent application of across various elements.