Syntax highlighting for .k files and code blocks inside markdown files
Integration with the klsp that provides support for code completion,
limited diagnostics, go to definition, find references and selection range. Requires K v5.5.103 or higher.
Code completion. Context sensitive: modules, sorts and syntax.
Go to definition inside the workspace: requires, imports, syntax.
Highlight syntax errors in the editor. The K Framework output channel will
contain diagnostic messages sent by the Language Server.
Selection range. Increase and decrease the selection depending on the AST. Default keys: Alt+Shift+LRArrows
Note: Some features require VSCode to be open in workspace mode, and
have kompiled the definition to be able to access the AST caches. If
the location information gets out of sync, you may need to clean and
rekompile your definition.
Warning: this extension overrides the default extension for Markdown files.
To get the old behavior back you will have to manually select Markdown in the bottom right
or disable this extension.