The ticket number is automatically detected and highlighted in the editor.
For the ticket to be found it must be in the format TICKET-1234 or TICKET_1234.
Find the translated text of a localized key
The localized key is automatically detected and shows the result english translation in a codelens.
This extension only works on files with the following extensions:
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
mirogoto.ticketRegex: Define the regex to find the ticket number. Defaults to (?<=\\s)([A-Za-z]{3,8})[-_]([0-9]{2,5})(?=:?\\s) which matches with TICKET-1234 or TICKET_1234.
mirogoto.languages: Define which files should be considered. Defaults to ["typescriptreact", "typescript", "javascriptreact", "javascript", "markdown", "jsonc"].
Added codelens to check translated keys
Initial release
Following extension guidelines
Ensure that you've read through the extensions guidelines and follow the best practices for creating your extension.