Themis is a polyglot contract testing generator. It generates snippets scaffolds for consumer and provider, and also commands for running the tests. It uses Pact, so, it supports different programming languages.
Use "themisProvider" snippet to generate contract testing scaffold for provider.
Use "themisConsumer" snippet to generate contract testing scaffold for consumer.
Use the VSCode command "Run Provider Contracts" to run provider testings. (Only available for Javascript and Typescript)
Use the VSCode command "Run Consumer Contracts" to run consumer testings. (Only available for Javascript and Typescript)
Use the VSCode command "Publish Contracts on Pact Broker" to publish contracts on Pact Broker. (You should have a valid Pact Broker Token and base URL, only available for Javascript and Typescript)
When you have your PACT BROKER TOKEN and PACT BROKER BASE URL exported.
When you don't have your PACT BROKER TOKEN and PACT BROKER BASE URL exported.
Supported languages for snippets: Javascript, Typescript, Ruby, Go, Java, and Python.