Data Foundry Boost READMEThis is the Data Foundry Boost (DF Boost) VS Code extension. It enables users of the Data Foundry platform to quickly build scripts that integrate project participants and devices. You can run these scripts in the Data Foundry Script Editor. FeaturesWith DF Boost you can create small pieces of logic (Triggers) and quickly select which Participants or Devices should make use of that piece of logic. This way, you can rapidly scale and change system behaviors over large groups of users without reprogramming your devices. RequirementsTo get started with DF Boost, first set up your Project on the Data Foundry website. There, you add your Resources (datasets, devices and participants) to your Project. After setting up Data Foundry Project, open up VS Code and launch DF Boost. You'll be prompted to log in with an API key, which can be found on the Profile page on the Data Foundry website. Copy-paste it into the VS Code prompt. Now, you have connected your Data Foundry account to DF Boost, allowing you to import information such as Participants and Devices. SupportTo learn how to use DF Boost with your projects, you can check out the documentation on Data Foundry! Known IssuesThis extension is currently in development. Any feedback is warmly appreciated! 1.0.0Initial release of the Data Foundry Boost VSCODE extension |