FeaturesCMaster is a tool to help create C++ and C projects quickly and easly run, manage and edit your c++ and c projects with a couple of tools. Tool List:\n * C/C++: New Project - Creates a new project with the CMaster template * C/C++: Update Tasks File - Updates the tasks file to contains all the recently added source and header files. * C/C++: New Header File - Creates a new header file (defualt = .h) in your "Header Files" directory. * C/C++: New Source File - Create a new source file (default = .cpp) in your "Source Files" directory. The CMaster extension uses the g++ compiler and settings, so make sure you have it on your computer. download g++: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/ all commands are usable in the command pallete (Ctrl+Shift+P) by searhing there name. InstructionsTo create a new C/C++ project create a new folder and open it within vscode. When the folder is opened, open the command pallete (Ctrl+Shift+P) and search for C/C++: New Project and select it. After selecting it a popup message will appear sying your project was created succsessfuly. Now you should see 3 new folders: ".vscode", "Header Files" and "Source Files". If you will open the "Source Files" folder you should see an file named *main.cpp, the extension created a main file that will print "Hello World" when built. You can create header files with the commad C/C++: New Header File or by hand. Just make sure they are in the "Header Files" folder. Source files should be added to the "Source Files" folder if created by hand, or you may use the C/C++: New Source File command that automaticly add them to your "Source Files" folder. Finally, you have a file and you wish to execute it. Before you run the program make sure to run the C/C++: Update Tasks command to make sure all of your files will be executed.The C/C++: Update Tasks only supports file of types *c,cpp,cxx,cc,h and hpp!, other files have to be added on your own before debugging every time. And thats all there is to know about the CMaster extension RequirementsIt is required to download the C/C++ support from visual studio market place. |