Agent Decision Tree Visualizer - Property of Reecall
Extension Commands
Available commands, only accessible via the Tree Provider features, for more information go check the contributes.commands in package.json
agentTreeView.refresh: Refresh the tree view.
agentTreeView.gotoNode: Go to the selected node.
agentTreeView.delete: Delete the selected node.
agentTreeView.getAgentFilepath: Change the name of the parsed agent file.
agentTreeView.generateAgent: Generate new agent config file.
Via the official marketplace
I won't teach you this...
With the .vsix extension file :
Directly in VS Code:
Go to the Extensions view, in the activity bar.
Click on the top-right More button
Select Install from VSIX...
In your terminal, run the following command:
# if you use VS Code
code --install-extension <extension-filename>
# if you use VS Code Insiders
code-insiders --install-extension <extension-filename>