Real C# auto complete
Real Csharp auto complete will autocomplete your Csharp project with .NET properties and attributes here is a list of the snippets
Command list
ApiController -> [ApiController] }
RouteController -> Route(api/[controller]) }
RouteParam -> Route(GetCompany/{id}) }
Route -> Route(Create) }
Validate -> [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] }
Post -> [HttpPost] }
Fromform -> [FromForm]Company command }
Auth -> [Authorize] }
HttpPut -> HttpPut({id}) }
HttpDelete -> HttpDelete({id}) }
Primary -> [Key]
public int Id { get; set; } }
FromBody -> [FromBody] UserModel user }
LinqAny -> var Exist = (from ur in _context.Users where ur.EmailAddress==user.EmailAddress select ur).Any(); }
LinqFirstOr -> UserModel user = (from u in _context.Users where u.UserName == login.UserName select u).FirstOrDefault(); }
varchar -> [Column(TypeName = VARCHAR)]
public string name { get; set; } }
date -> [Column(TypeName = DATE)]
public DateTime date { get; set; } }
bit -> [Column(TypeName = BIT)]
public bool iswork { get; set; } }
numeric -> [Column(TypeName = NUMERIC(182))]
public decimal num { get; set; } }
decimal -> [Column(TypeName = DECIMAL(54))]
public decimal num { get; set; } }
time -> [Column(TypeName = TIME(0))]
public TimeSpan time { get; set; } }
smalldatetime -> [Column(TypeName = SMALLDATETIME)]
public DateTime date { get; set; }
nchar -> [Column(TypeName = NCHAR)]
public string chr { get; set; }
primaryNoIncrement -> [Key DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)]
public int Id { get; set; }
How to start
ctrl+shift+p and choose 'real-csharp-autocomplete'
do this each time you open a .NET project
Real visual studio
Download Real visual studio theme to get a better experience
Simon Bonyamin
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