Git LastAuthorSee information about who last modified a file in the status bar of VS Code. Works with both Github and Bitbucket repositories. Quick link to open the commit of the author. Git Blame extension is awesome but...There is already an extension for VS Code called Git Blame which shows who made the last modification at the line my cursor is at in a file. Though that is useful it does not tell me who last modified the file and what the change was and this makes it hard to find out if the file you looking at was modified recently by someone which is very helpful in troubleshooting issues. This in no way is a replacement for the Git Blame extension but will complement it 🙂. How to useGit LastAuthor shows who last committed changes to a file and also how long ago that was done. Click the message to see more information about the commit. Click on the View button to navigate to the particular commit in the browser. |