search-dependencies READMEThis extension is built mainly to optimize package search which is consuming a particular dependency. Currently in monorepos, when looking for packages with dependencies in VSCode, the package.json files of those packages are shown. However, this creates a problem as developers need to hover over the path of each package.json file in order to find out the name of the package where a particular dependency is being consumed. To streamline this process, it would be more effective to display the package names directly, without the need for developers to sift through all the package.json files. To use this, simply bring up the command palette using ⌘⇧P and enter the command "Search Dependency". This will list all the dependencies in the current workspace and their number of usages. On clicking the dependency, it shows the packages where the dependency is being consumed. On clicking a package, it will take you to its package.json. |