Translation on hover showing all translated values
Extension Settings
enabled: enable/disable display on hover over a localization key
enabled: enable/disable inline value of key in default language
position: position to show the value of the key, either end of line or adjacent to key
list: list of backends to use and the order in which to use them. Currently supports File System and Contentful. If more than one item exists in the list, the first will be primary and the rest used as a backup in the case of a missing key in the primary.
fileSystemOptions: options to pass to the file system backend, the following is required:
loadPath: the path from where to load translations. It contain {{lng}} and {{ns}}.
contentfulOptions: options to pass to the contentful backend, the following are required:
host: either or
environment: "master" or another environment
space: the contentful space id to use
accessToken: the access token generated in Contentful settings.
namespaces: namespaces to search for translations
supportedLngs: list of all supported languages for translating purposes
defaultNs: default namespace for translations, will default to translation
fallbackLng: fallback language for translations, defaults to en-US