The IntelliSense for CSS Class Names in HTML extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) enhances your web development workflow by providing intelligent code completion for CSS class names within HTML files.
Auto-suggest CSS class names from css files available in workspace.
Cache Class Names for better performance
If css files is modified, you need to manually refresh cache.
Either use command: ClassSense: Cache CSS files or click on ClassSense on bottom right of statusbar.
Command to manually re-cache the class definitions used in the autocompletion;
Customizable User Settings to override which folders and files should be considered or excluded from the caching process.
Support for config files to exclusively define which css folder to be processed
Tested Languages Modes
Javascript React (.jsx)
Typescript React (.tsx)
You can customize the extension's behavior by modifying the settings in your VS Code settings.json file. Available settings include:
Configuration files
File must have a specific name: classSense.config.json. If you want to specify full path, main sure start pathname from root folder.
Either specify file by file name app.css or path (e.g src/styles/app.css), it will works. 😅
Extension Settings
classSense.excludeFolders: Specify folder names to be excluded from suggestions.
classSense.filesToScan: Specify files extension for should autosuggestions be provided
classSense.classAttributes: Specify the attribute name where autosuggestion is provided
classSense.includeLanguages: Specify lookup css files to extract class names
You can request new features and contribute to the extension development on its repository on GitHub. Look for an issue you're interested in working on, comment on it to let me know you're working on it and submit your pull request! 🔥