This is a snippets extension plugin for Visual Studio Code for the Plotly Dash microframework.
Plotly Dash is a great Open Source/Enterprise tool for technical business/data analysts to share their data within their organisations. Plotly Dash in Python can be considered as the equivalent of what the React framework is in JavaScript.
The snippets in this pluggin cover components from the Dash HTML Components, Dash Core Components & some from the Dash Bootstrap Componens Python packages.
For example, predefined Dash HTML Components start with the prefix html, Dash Core Component start with the prefix dcc .
In addition, abstractions such as callbacks live on their own (e.g. for an uncontrolled callback, you would call dashcb, while for a controlled stateful callback, you would call dashcbstate)
To do
Create snippets for Dash Bootstrap Components (developed by & Plotly packages. Ideally, Plotly objects should start with plotly & Dash Bootstrap Components should start with the prefix dbc
Create snippets for other abstractions [?]
Dash Generic Snippets:
imdash - Import Dash
iminoutstate - Import Dash Dependencies
imdcc - Import Dash Core Components
imhtml - Import Dash HTML Components
imdbc - Import Dash Boostrap Components
imflask - Import Flask
imflaskcache - Import Flask Cache
dashcb - Uncontrolled State Callback
dashcbstate - Controlled State Callback
dashapp - Create Dash App Instace
dashrunserver - Run Dash App
dashencodeimg - Image Encoding Function
dashhtmltemplate - Customize Dash's HTML Index Template
dashinlinestyle - Dash Inline Styling
flaskserver - Create Flask Server Instace
cacheredis - Create Flask Cache Redis
cachefilesystem - Create Flask Cache File System
memoize - Create Flask Cache Memoize Function
Dash HTML Component Snippets:
htmla - HTML Anchor - Tag
htmla - HTML Component - Anchor
htmlbr - HTML Component - Break
htmlbtn - HTML Component - Button
htmldiv - HTML Component - Div
htmlfig - HTML Component - Figure
htmlform - HTML Component - Form
htmlframe - HTML Component - Frame
htmlh1 - HTML Component - H1
htmlh2 - HTML Component - H2
htmlh3 - HTML Component - H3
htmlh4 - HTML Component - H4
htmlh5 - HTML Component - H5
htmlh6 - HTML Component - H6
htmlheader - HTML Component - Header
htmlhr - HTML Component - Hr
htmli - HTML Component - I
htmliframe - HTML Component - Iframe
htmlimg - HTML Component - Img
htmllabel - HTML Component - Label
htmlli - HTML Component - Li
htmllink - HTML Component - Link
htmlnav - HTML Component - Strong
htmlspan - HTML Component - Span
htmltable - HTML Component - Table
htmltbody - HTML Component - Tbody
htmltd - HTML Component - Td
htmltextarea - HTML Component - Textarea
htmlth - HTML Component - Th
htmlthead - HTML Component - Thead
htmltr - HTML Component - Tr
htmlul - HTML Component - Ul
Dash Core Component Snippets:
dccchecklist - Core Component - Checklist
dccdatepickerrange - Core Component - Date Picker Range
dccdatepickersingle - Core Component - Date Picker Single
dccdropdown - Core Component - Dropdown
dccgraph - Core Component - Graph
dccinput - Core Component - Input
dccinterval - Core Component - Interval
dcclink - Core Component - Link
dccloading - Core Component - Loading
dcclocation - Core Component - Location
dccmarkdown - Core Component - Markdown
dccradioitems - Core Component - Radio Items
dccrangeslider - Core Component - RangeSlider
dccslider - Core Component - Slider
dcctab - Core Component - Tab
dcctabs - Core Component - Tabs
dcctextarea - Core Component - Textarea
Dash Boostrap Component Snippets:
dbcalert - Bootstrap Components - Alert
dbcbadge - Bootstrap Components - Badge
dbcbtn - Bootstrap Components - Button
dbccol - Bootstrap Components - Col
dbcrow - Bootstrap Components - Row
dbcrow2cols - Bootstrap Components - Row with 2 columns embedded
dbcrow3cols - Bootstrap Components - Row with 3 columns embedded
dbcrow4cols - Bootstrap Components - Row with 4 columns embedded
Known Issues
Please add known issues here.
Release Notes / Latest Changes
Bootstrap Card related components added
'children' property was moved up 1 line in most components
Further Generic Snippets Added (imports/applications generation)
Dash HTML Components prefix has been changed from dashhtml to html, Dash Core Components prefix has been changed from dashcore for dcc & similarly Dash Bootstrap Components will start with dbc