This extension simplifies the exchange with the DataManager (DM).
DataManager Operations
Download and install complete Releases, only (SQLite) Databases, Assets or Scripts of the latest or specified DM release
Mirror local state to DM (Assets and Scripts)
Upload and delete files on DM
Diff selected file with DM version
Git Versioning
Attach remote repository
Pull and Push
Branch operations: Create, Checkout, Merge
Info panel
Beta Features
Live Update option: Uploads Scripts to DM on save without user interaction (default disabled)
File System Watcher: Uploads new Scripts or Assets to DM (default disabled; only upload)
Note: Most functionality is limited to the Content/Data/(Scripts and Assets) folder for safety reasons
Configurable: DM domain, DM OIDC Provider, Git Remote Repository, frequency of pop-ups, visibility of certain command buttons
You need to sign in to the 3PQ DataManager to use this extension. To do so, click on the account icon (head in a circle) in the bottom left-hand corner.
Command entry points:
Context menu:
Right click in VS Code explorer.
Almost all features are only available in the Content/Data/(Scripts and Assets) folder
Some commands support multi-selection and execution on folders.
Open the sidebar by clicking on the Plan Software icon (nine squares) in the activity bar (left bar).
Command Palette: CTRL + SHIFT + P
Plan Software 3PQ DataManager Account
VS Code Version: >= 1.75.0
Supported OS: Windows
Make sure you have set the Git config values (user name & email) if you want to use this extension to simplify the handling of an attached Git repository.
To do so, you can use the following commands in your local terminal (after installing Git on your machine):