Cloud Foundry Manifest Editor for Visual Studio CodeThis extension provides basic validation, content assist and hover infos for editing Cloud Foundry Manifest Files. You can also define your own patterns and map them to the language-id UsageThe CF manifest editor automatically activates when the name of the FunctionalityValidationAs you type the manifest is parsed and checked for basic syntactic and structural correctness. Hover over an error marker to see an explanation. Content AssistHaving trouble remembering all the names of the attributes, and their spelling? Content assist to the rescue: Dynamic Cloud Foundry Content AssistWould you like to see actual Cloud Foundry values for attributes like For example, if you are connected to a Cloud target that has services, and you invoke content assist in an entry under Dynamic content assist also shows which Cloud target you are connected to. Documentation HoversHaving trouble remembering exactly what the meaning of each attribute is? Hover over any attribute and read its detailed documentation. Version: 1.56.0-PRE-RELEASE |