Take and restore snapshots of your workspace files with ease. Local Snapshots provides a powerful way to create, manage, and restore file snapshots directly within VS Code, offering both manual and automatic snapshot capabilities.
📸 Multiple Snapshot Types
Manual Snapshots: Take named snapshots of your entire workspace
Quick Snapshots: Quickly capture the current state with a single keystroke
Pre-Save Snapshots: Automatically create snapshots before saving files
Timed Snapshots: Set up automatic snapshots at regular intervals
File/Directory Snapshots: Take snapshots of specific files or directories
🔍 Advanced Snapshot Management
Visual Diff View: See exactly what changed between snapshots and current files
Side-by-side comparison
Inline unified view
File-by-file navigation
Direct file restoration from diff view
Search within diffs
Previous/Next match navigation
Match count indicator
Tree View: Browse snapshot contents in a hierarchical structure
Directory-based file organization
Expand/collapse folders
Direct file restoration from tree view
Visual feedback for restored files
Selective Restore: Choose specific files to restore from a snapshot
Snapshot Filtering: Search and filter snapshots by name, date, or file count
Snapshot Limits: Optionally limit the number of snapshots to manage storage
Rename Snapshots: Easily rename snapshots with duplicate name validation
Delete Snapshots: Remove individual snapshots or clear all at once
⚡ Quick Actions
Context Menu Integration: Right-click files or folders to take snapshots
Keyboard Shortcuts: Quick access to common actions
Take Quick Snapshot: Ctrl+Alt+S (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Alt+S (Mac)
Restore Snapshot: Ctrl+Alt+R (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Alt+R (Mac)
Getting Started
Install the extension from the VS Code marketplace
Access Local Snapshots from the activity bar (look for the snapshot icon)
Take your first snapshot using the "Take Named Snapshot" button
View and manage your snapshots in the sidebar
Extension Settings
Automatic Snapshots
local-snapshots.enablePreSaveSnapshots: Enable/disable automatic snapshots before saving files (default: false)
local-snapshots.enableTimedSnapshots: Enable/disable automatic snapshots at regular intervals (default: false)
local-snapshots.timedSnapshotInterval: Set the interval between automatic snapshots in seconds (default: 300, minimum: 30)
local-snapshots.showTimedSnapshotNotifications: Show notifications when timed snapshots are created (default: true)
local-snapshots.skipUnchangedSnapshots: Skip creating snapshots when no files have changed, applies to both automatic and manual snapshots (default: false)
Storage Management
local-snapshots.limitSnapshotCount: Enable/disable maximum snapshot limit (default: false)
local-snapshots.maxSnapshotCount: Maximum number of snapshots to keep (default: 10, minimum: 1)
Display Settings
local-snapshots.diffViewStyle: Choose how to display file differences: side-by-side, inline, or both views (default: side-by-side)
Usage Tips
Taking Snapshots
Use named snapshots for important changes or milestones
Use quick snapshots for rapid iterations
Enable pre-save snapshots when working on critical changes
Set up timed snapshots during intensive development sessions
Managing Snapshots
Use the filter panel to quickly find specific snapshots
View diffs before restoring to verify changes
Use selective restore to recover specific files
Clean up old snapshots regularly using the snapshot limit feature
Rename snapshots to keep them organized and meaningful
Keyboard Shortcuts
Create your own keyboard shortcuts for any of these commands:
local-snapshots.takeSnapshot: Take a named snapshot
local-snapshots.quickSnapshot: Take a quick snapshot
local-snapshots.restoreSnapshot: Restore a snapshot
local-snapshots.snapshotFile: Take a snapshot of the current file
local-snapshots.snapshotDirectory: Take a snapshot of a directory