Matrix Revolution Color Theme (Dark)Based on Matrix RevolutionThis theme is based on a cover image of matrix revolution. There is no pure green color here, nor any pure color. All combinations of colors use color paletes to be pleasure to the eyes at the night. If you have sensible eyes as I have and your sights feel tired to code at the night this theme is for you. The matrix has you Follow the write habbit... noc, noc! Currently I'm working on the customization of the variables, parameters, comments colors. Get contributeIf you think you might contribute to this project, feel free to open a pull request. As I'm a ruby developer, first I'm looking for icons to rebember the movie scenarios, such as glasses, cars, guns, lot of guns, blue and red pill, cabine phone, phones etc. For example, a ruby file would be literaly a ruby precious stone red. So we would need the red pill to remember both the ruby file and the pill. This is going to be the thought behind every icon choice. As I spend a night coding enjoing this theme, I would like to share it with you, dear friend programmer. Contact: My Github Repository and e-mail: I'm Paulo Felipe Souza. |