PDT Plugin READMEThis plugin is used to understand the policies with permissions and visualize it in permission UI in a table structure How to installOpen VSCode Navigate to extensions Install PDT Plugin Note :- Please update the latest version of the VSCode if the plugin is failed to install How to useOpen the github repo folder from the VSCode which is having the policySet Json files And Open the JSON file which you modify Run CTRL+SHIFT+P and select the PDT Tool New tab will be opened with the table structure Note :- This plugin will work only for single policy set Modify PermissionsUsing the PDT tool plugin we can modify the existing permissions or we can create a new permission New Permissions :- Click on the Add Permission button in the right hand side. It'll create a new empty tab in the table and using the edit button add the details of the new permission and update it. New permission will be added in the JSON file. Existing Permissions :- Click on Edit/Delete button from the table which you want to modify the permission. Changes will be updated in the JSON file. Using the source control of the vscode plugin we can check in the JSON file changes to the github |