Vue3 snippets plus
a Vue3 and vue2 code snippets extension for vscode.
You just need to type the code normally, and it will give you a prompt on its own, making you type faster.
Operation demonstration
Partial examples
keyword |
snippet(Autoformat) |
vue |
<template><div></div></template><script lang="ts" setup></script><style lang="scss" scoped></style> |
template |
<template><div></div></template> |
component |
<component :is="" /> |
suspense |
<Suspense><template #default></template><template #fallback></template></Suspense> |
transition |
<Transition mode="default"></Transition> |
transitionGroup |
<TransitionGroup name="" tag=""></TransitionGroup> |
keepAlive |
<KeepAlive></KeepAlive> |
teleport |
<Teleport to="" :disabled=""></Teleport> |
routerview |
<router-view v-slot="{route, Component}"></router-view> |
routerlink |
<router-link to=""></router-link> |
script |
<script lang="ts" setup></script> |
scss |
<style lang="scss" scoped></style> |
less |
<style lang="less" scoped></style> |
style |
<style lang="" scoped></style> |
v-for |
v-for="item in " :key="" |
v-show |
v-show="" |
v-if |
v-if="" |
v-else |
v-else |
v-else-if |
v-else-if="" |
v-html |
v-html="" |
v-text |
v-text="" |
v-model |
v-model="" |
v-bind |
v-bind="" |
v-once |
v-once |
v-pre |
v-pre |
nextTick |
nextTick(()=>{}) |
onMounted |
onMounted(()=>{}) |
watch |
watch(()=>,(val)=>{}) |
computed |
const ... = computed(()=>{}) |
ref |
const ... = ref() |
reactive |
const ... = reactive({}) |
readonly |
const ... = readonly({}) |
defineModel |
const model = defineModel() |
defineEmits |
const emits = defineEmits() |
defineProps |
const props = defineProps() |
defineExpose |
defineExpose({}) |
defineComponent |
const ... = defineComponent() |
defineAsyncComponent |
const ... = defineAsyncComponent() |
defineCustomElement |
const ... = defineCustomElement () |
useSlots |
const slots = useSlots() |
createApp |
const ... = createApp() |
createSSRApp |
const ... = createSSRApp() |
h |
h() |
mergeProps |
mergeProps() |
cloneVNode |
cloneVNode() |
createRenderer |
const { render, createApp } = createRenderer({patchProp,insert,remove,createElement}) |
Javascript examples
keyword |
snippet(Autoformat) |
clog |
console.log(...) |
promise |
new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{...}) |
.then |
.then((res)=>{...}).catch((err)=>{...}) |
import |
import ... from "..." |
if |
if(...){...} |
switch |
switch(...){case '...': break} |
for |
for(const i = 0 ; i< ....length ; i++){...} |
forin |
for(const key in ...){...} |
forof |
for(const item of ...){...} |
foreach |
forEach((item, index)=>{...}) |
Element-plus examples
keyword |
snippet(Autoformat) |
el-pagination |
<el-pagination background v-model:current-page="pageNo" v-model:page-size="pageSize" :page-sizes="[10, 20, 30, 50, 100]" layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="total" @size-change="sizeChange" @current-change="currentChange" /> |
... |
... |
| |