CSS Selector GeneratorCSS Selector generator generates CSS selectors for all classes and ids in any HTML file. CSS Selector generator also includes CSS resets to save you time on that too! FeaturesEasily accessible 'Generate CSS' button once activated. If you have written some CSS already, CSS Selector generator would only generate selctors for classes and ids not present in the current file. If extension does not initialize at start-up, Activate CSS Selector initialize uing the command palette. SupportEmail: 'kelajibola@gmail.com' for suggestions, bugs, or complaints while using the extension. Also, Thank you so much for considering using CSS selector generator. You make everything worth it! Known IssuesCSS Selector generator might select text content of they contain "id= ", "class= ", "id =" or "class =" Release Notes0.0.1Initial release of CSS Selector generator 0.0.2Generate Selector Tab runs at startup. Only visible when a css file is open 0.0.3You can generate selectors over css files with content. CSS Selector generator would only generate selctors for classes and ids not present on page. 0.0.4Major bug fix, 0.0.3 did not work as planned. 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3Minor bug fixes 1.1.0CSS rest replaced by a more reasonable version. Documents now need to be saved to avoid version conflicts. Minor bug fixes Olamilekan Ajibola |