Owl Vision is an extension for the amazing Owl framework that complements your templates with beautiful colors and allows you to more easily navigate between components and templates.
This extension also adds:
A basic component snippent.
"Go to definition" providers for component tags in xml or in inline templates.
Owl Vision: Find Template:
If the cursor is on a template name, finds the corresponding template.
If the cursor is on a component, finds the template of the selected component.
Owl Vision: Find Component: Finds the selected component definition.
Owl Vision: Switch: Finds the corresponding template or component depending on the current file.
Owl Vision: Switch (Besides): Finds the corresponding template or component depending on the current file and opens it besides.
Owl Vision: Switch (Below): Finds the corresponding template or component depending on the current file and opens it below.
owl-vision.include: Glob filter for files to include while searching.
owl-vision.exclude: Glob filter for files to exclude while searching.
The extension cannot find my templates/components
The include and exclude settings have default values that may not work with your project structure, try adapting them.