Dictionary IntelliSense
Provides intelligent IntelliSense support for dictionary.json files in your workspace.
- Auto-completion intelliSense for dictionary keys
- Go to definition support
- OnHover Key information
- Edit dictionary values directly from your code
- Create new dictionary keys inline
- A dictionary.json file in your workspace (you can swap out this directory at any time)
- TypeScript/JavaScript/React files using the dictionary
- Open a TypeScript, JavaScript, or React file
- Type
. inside of a key string to trigger suggestions
- Hover over dictionary keys to see values and edit options
- Cmd+CLick or Click "Go to Definition" to jump to dictionary.json at the specific inline
Extension Settings
This extension uses the following command:
dictionary-intellisense.selectDictionary : Swap Dictionary File
Release Notes
Initial release with core features:
- IntelliSense support
- Value editing
- Key creation
HotPatch with features:
- Hot Dictionary Switching
- Saved Dictionary Preferences
Updated Logo & Branding
Updated ReadMe
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