This is a plugin used to extract and generate documentation from code comments. Users can create specific comment blocks using shortcuts, fill in the content within them, and efficiently generate corresponding documentation describing the functionality of the code.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
code-story is a vscode plugin that generates document from comments, which helps you understand the code from a general picture. The plugin is written in JavaScript and it is still under development.
read comments inside chapter block: DONE
display chapter block: DONE
display book name: DONE
add book name to displayed book: DONE
add chapter names to displayed book:DONE
use keyboard shortcut to insert a new chapter block:DONE,buggy on noah side
able to export the book into a pdf file: BUG, cannot save the pdf file
improve the structure of the book and the logic behind to make it more useful
single file version done, publish it
feature that allows the user to press the html page and go to the location of the function declaration
generate a book from multiple files
import LLM?
If you have any requirements or dependencies, add a section describing those and how to install and configure them.
Extension Settings
Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.
For example:
This extension contributes the following settings:
myExtension.enable: Enable/disable this extension.
myExtension.thing: Set to blah to do something.
Known Issues
Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.
Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.
toy draft
Working with Markdown
You can author your README using Visual Studio Code. Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:
Split the editor (Cmd+\ on macOS or Ctrl+\ on Windows and Linux)
Toggle preview (Shift+Cmd+V on macOS or Shift+Ctrl+V on Windows and Linux)
Press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux, macOS) to see a list of Markdown snippets