!vemail |
Email Address Validation |
!vhexcol |
Hexadecimal Color Validation |
!vpass |
Password Validation |
!visbn |
ISBN Number Validation |
!vipv4 |
IPV4 Address Validation |
!vipv6 |
IPV6 Address Validation |
!vmmddyy |
Date Validation In mm/dd/yy format |
!vmonddyyyy |
Date Validation In mon/dd/yyyy format |
!vmonth |
Month Validation |
!vextprice |
Extract Price Value from any string |
!vparehead |
Parse an Email Header to retrieve "To" address |
!vfbllink |
Check if the given Facebook Profile Link is valid |
!vcc |
Credit Card Validation |
!vusername |
Username Validation with minimum and maximum characters |
!exturl |
Extract URLs from a string |
!getiever |
Get the current Internet Explorer Version being used |
!vimage |
Validate image filenames |
!vcityabbr |
Validate City Names |
!vusphone |
US Phone Number Validation |
!vssn |
Social Security Number Validation |
!vhtmlcont |
Verify if the given string contains content between the provided html tags |
!vhtmltag |
Validates if the given string has either a opening or closing HTML tag |
!vtwitter |
Twitter Username Validation |
!vurl |
URL Validation |
!vgooglesyn |
URL Validation |
!vextcssmedia |
Extract properties and values from CSS Media Queries |
!vexthtmlcomms |
Strip all comments from a HTML Code Block |
!vexthtmlcomms |
Strip all comments from a HTML Code Block !vextcss |
Extract Individual CSS Properties from the given Code Block |
!vextytid |
Extract Video ID from a valid Youtube Video Link |
!vextimgsrc |
Extract image source links from HTML Image Tags |
!vbase64 |
Base64 String Validation |
!vsepthousand |
Seperates the digits in the string to thousand with commas |
!vchars |
Validate if the the string contains atleast one occurrence of the Character to be searched |
!vspaces |
Convert multiple spaces to single spaces between each word in a string |
!vextsqrbracks |
Extract Square Brackets and the content between them |
!valpnum |
Non-Alphanumeric Characters Validation |
!vextlogs |
Extract native Javascript console and AngularJS |
!vextbrackscont |
Extract all brackets and the content between them |
!vaddlinktag |
Adds Link Tags to all the strings that start with http or https |
!vfindocurrences |
Provides a function to calculate the number of times the provided character(s) |
!vuuidv1 |
UUID v1 Validation |
!vuuidv2 |
UUID v2 Validation |
!vuuidv3 |
UUID v3 Validation |
!vuuidv4 |
UUID v4 Validation |
!vuuidv5 |
UUID v5 Validation |