Bootstrap 5 Extension
The first, (currently only) and hands down BEST bootstrap 5 snippets and Fontawesome4-5-6 snippets extension. Includes templates, powerful utility snippets, and much more.
- Accordions
- Breadcrumbs
- Buttons with Button Groups
- Cards
- Carousel
- Figures
- Forms
- Grids
- Modals
- Navbars
- Fontawesome5

Powerful, Simple, Flex Snippets
Center, position or reorder any element, by any default breakpoint with under 10 snippets.
Trigger | Description
--- | ---
!bs5- | Main component snippets.
Templates are just one tab away. Most of the official example templates have been implemented.
Trigger |
Description |
!bs5 |
Shortcut creating an html document with cdn scripts included |
Powerful, Simple Snippets
Center, position or reorder any element, by any default breakpoint with under 10 snippets.
Trigger |
Description |
bs5-container |
Grid container with options for -fluid, px, gy and more. |
bs5-row |
Powerful row, ${1| ,row-cols-2,row-cols-3, auto,justify-content-md-center,md,lg,xl,xxl|} . Default to row with optional utility classes. |
bs5-col |
Pretty much all your need covered and more. Ex: col${1| ,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-sm,-md,-lg,-xl,-xxl|}${2| ,-auto,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-10,-11,-12 |
Trigger |
Description |
bs5-navbar-default |
Navbar default |
bs5-navbar-scollspy |
V1 is here |
bs5-Nav-bottom |
V1 is here |
bs5-nav-item | item with link and options for common pages such as Home, About, Blog, Contact.
bs5-navlink | link
bs5-nav-dropdown | dropdown
bs5-nav-dropdown toggle | Navbar toggle
bs5-nav- | more in this category coming soon...
Trigger |
Description |
bs5-btn |
Button with link |
bs5-btn-o |
Button with outline |
bs5-btn-close |
Close buttons... |
Trigger |
Description |
bs5-card |
Basic Card |
Trigger |
Description |
bs5-modal |
Basic modal |
Trigger |
Description |
bs5-btn-reveal |
Click a button and reveal some content. |
Trigger |
Description |
!form-blank |
!form-fullname |
!form-middlename |
!form-last-name |
!form-email |
!form-phone |
!form-street-address |
!form-street-1 |
!form-street-2 |
!form-street-3 |
!form-city |
!form-state |
!form-country |
!form-county |
!form-id |
!form-major |
!form-gpa |
!form-signature |
!form-date |
!form-time |
!form-select |
!form-file-upload |
!form-amount |
!form-radio-button |
!form-checkbox |
Prefix |
Icon Font |
Version |
fas ,far ,fab |
[Font Awesome Pro][fa] |
5.15.3 |
fa-check +Tab completes to <i class="fa fa-check"></i>
glyphicon-check +Tab completes to <span class="glyphicon glyphicons-check"></span>
- well, you get the idea
Releases :
1.0.0 - Initial release
1.2.0 - Added fontawesome5
1.3.0 - Added fontawesome6
1.4.0 - Added fontawesome pro support
1.5.0 - Added Bootstrap 5.2 version
1.6.0 - Added more code snippets
1.7.0 - Sass support
| |