React Core Boilerplate is a starting point for building universal/isomorphic React web applications with ASP.NET Core 3 and server-side rendering. All works fine out of the box. It also is helpful for newbies.
The project contains a fake authorization system. So you can change it to Identity or the other.
TypeScript and JavaScript versions are available.⚡️
Visual Studio Marketplace
v. 2.0.3 (2020-07-03)
- Added Docker support. 🐋
- Added XSS attack prevention, thanks to XuHaoJun.
- Updated dependencies, removed unused namespaces.
v. 2.0.0 (2020-05-08)
- Migrated to .NET Core 3.1. 🎉
- Migrated to
Bootstrap 4
using react-bootstrap.
- Migrated to Formik.
stores migrated to Redux Toolkit for boosting development with Redux. Reduced code.
- Logging and
configuration improvements.
- Added HTTPS support to
server-side rendering
- Added editable status code in routes for SEO.
- Updated some dependencies.
- Stability fixes.
- Removed unnecessary NPM dependencies.
v. 1.7.1 (2019-06-02)
- Updated
, Redux
, React-Router
and other NPM packages connected to them.
- Updated critical NPM dependencies.
- Removed unnecessary NPM dependencies.
v. 1.7.0 (2019-05-05)
- Repository restructuration.
- Added JavaScript version of the React Core Boilerplate. 🎉
- Stability fixes.
- Updated critical dependencies.
v. 1.6.3 (2019-03-19)
- Removed
due to instability.
v. 1.6.2 (2019-03-15)
- Installed stable
- Updated
and other packages for it (incl. types).
- Updated
- Updated WebPack config for development mode.
v. 1.6.0 (2019-03-13)
- Updated
.NET Core
dependency to v. 2.2
- Updated critical NPM packages.
- Updated
- Improved
vendor and bundle configurations.
- Improved
file for building and publishing scenarios.
- Fixed source map generation in development mode.
- Fixed bundle compilation in production mode.
- Other stability fixes.
v. 1.5.4 (2019-02-04)
- Added some minor features.
- Bug fixes:
collapsing of the Bootstrap navigation bar
, fixed controller and frontend's service in person update case
- Updated dependencies.
v. 1.5.3 (2018-12-04)
- Added polyfills for supporting IE9, IE11:
, custom-event-polyfill
- Updated dependencies.
v. 1.5.2 (2018-12-01)
- Added fulltext live search to example.
- Added WebPack plugins:
, react-dev-utils
- Added plugins with examples:
to prevent doing frequent queries in live search, formik
to create forms in React without tears.
- Fixed some functional and text errors.
v. 1.5.0(1) (2018-11-07)
- Added
which contains hosting settings and will be used in the production build.
- Added
package and examples with it.
- Speeded up of WebPack bundle building.
- Updated domain-wait package. This update allows you to prevent calling for isomorphic fetch requests twice (in server prerender and after it - on client-side).
- Updated redux-thunk package.
- Added new React components to prevent a headache when you build web applications:
, Input
, MultiSelect
, Form
. These components are used in examples.
v. 1.4.5 (2018-11-02)
- Added new feature allows a web application to share browser's cookie with NodeServices. Now SSR generates HTML code for authenticated users and makes authenticated isomorphic requests.
- Added method
to the ServiceBase.ts
which allows you to upload files to the server.
v. 1.3.5 (2018-10-26)
- Updated NPM packages:
, redux
, react-router
- Replaced due to deprecation
by the new connected-react-router
- Fixed
component which had trouble in some cases.
v. 1.3.2 (2018-10-25)
- Removed unused NPM packages.
- Added package-lock.json.
- Fixed project.
v. 1.3.0 (2018-10-22)
- Updated React package.
- Added the
component which allows you to do the "force update" of the "stucked" components (for ex. Loader
component in LoginPage
- Added Serilog logger which log into files (
directory) and also into Azure Cloud Provider.
v. 1.2.1 (2018-10-20)
- Fixed
component which worked incorrect with SSR in some cases.
v. 1.2.0 (2018-10-18)
- Updated dependency of "ASP.NET Core" package due to vulnerability.
- Added feature which allows you to pass JSON objects to URL query for GET and DELETE methods.
v. 1.1.0 (2018-10-16)
- Fixed
component. Solved issue with passing params to components from React Router. If you want to fix it manually, see the commit here.
- Install latest .NET Core SDK and Runtime by link.
- Install of the latest stable Node.js.
- At the first run you must close the project if it runs in Visual Studio or another IDE.
Open project's folder in console and run command
npm install
- Execute the following command for development in your project's directory. It will compile the main and vendor bundle.
npm run build:dev
- If you are using Visual Studio 20xx, instead of
IIS Express
select the YourProjectName
or ReactCoreBoilerplate
click on the down arrow near the IIS Express
and choose Docker or other option.
- Build and run project. It will start in Windows Console.
Modify WebPack vendor config
If you modify the WebPack vendor config, you must manually recompile the vendor bundle.
Execute the following command in your project's directory to do this:
npm run build:dev
Run with Docker
Visual Studio 20xx
Just select the Docker
option in the toolbar.
Build a container
Execute the following command in your project's directory:
docker build -t [my image name] .
where [my image name]
is your Docker image name.
Run a production container on Windows with HTTPS support (for test)
- Trust the ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificate on Windows and macOS:
dotnet dev-certs https -ep %USERPROFILE%\.aspnet\https\aspnetapp.pfx -p [my password]
where [my password]
is your password.
2. Execute:
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
- Build your container.
- Execute:
docker run --rm -it -p 7000:7000 -p 7001:7001 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="https://+;http://+" -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password="[my password]" -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/aspnetapp.pfx -v %USERPROFILE%\.aspnet\https:/https/ [my image name]
where [my password]
- your certificate password (from the 1st step), [my image name]
- your Docker image name.
Third-party libraries:
Own libraries / fixed forks:
- domain-wait - domain-task replacement with async/await support and new features.
- NVal - jQuery-validation-like Vanilla JS validator.
- NVal-Tippy - Vanilla JS validation with awesome tooltips.
- NSerializeJson - flexible form to JSON serializer based on Vanilla JS.
Known issues
ERROR in ./ClientApp/styles/loaders/xxx.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js![...]): Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'xxx\node_modules\node-sass\vendor'
Execute npm i
and npm rebuild node-sass
in your project's directory.
WebPack Hot Module Replacement [HMR] doesn't work with IIS
Will be fixed. Use Kestrel for development instead.
HTTP Error 500
Probably you don't have the latest version of Node.js.
HTTP Error 502.5
You must install the latest "ASP.NET Core SDK" and "Runtime and Hosting Bundle" using this link:
HTTP error 500 when hosted in Azure
Set the "WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION" to 6.11.2 in the "app settings" in Azure.
Errors when running in development mode after publishing
Execute npm run build:dev
command in the project's dir.
Other issues
- If you will have any issue with the project starting, you can see errors in logs ("/logs" directory). Please, do this before the open an issue on GitHub. Don't forget to mention the version of the React Core Boilerplate (
or TypeScript
Project structure
| .gitignore
| AppSettings.cs
| appsettings.Development.json
| appsettings.json
| Constants.cs # Constants include fake authorization cookie keys.
| package.json # NPM Package file.
| Program.cs # Application entry point.
| ReactSSR.WebApp.csproj # Visual Studio 2017 project file.
| ReactSSR.WebApp.csproj.user
| Startup.cs
| tsconfig.json # TypeScript config file.
| webpack.config.js # Server and client-side rendering WebPack configurations.
| webpack.config.vendor.js # Server and client-side rendering WebPack Vendor configurations.
| | boot-client.tsx # Frontend client-side entry point.
| | boot-server.tsx # Frontend SSR entry point.
| | configureStore.ts # Redux store definitions.
| | global.d.ts # Global types definitions (e.g. ts-nameof, *.png, etc.)
| | Globals.ts # Incapsulates global isomorphic data (e.g. authorization data).
| | routes.tsx # Routes.
| | Ui.ts # Incapsulates UI helpers initialization (e.g. tooltips).
| | utils.ts # Helpful utils.
| |
| +---components # Components (not pages).
| | +---person
| | | PersonEditor.tsx # Example component.
| | |
| | \---shared # Shared components.
| | AppComponent.tsx # Allows you to make the "force update" of the stucked components.
| | AppRoute.tsx # Component for building routes with more than one layouts.
| | ErrorBoundary.tsx # Component based on the error boundary pattern.
| | Footer.tsx # Footer for authorized layout.
| | Loader.tsx # Loader component.
| | PagingBar.tsx # Paging component.
| | TopMenu.tsx # Top menu component for authorized layout.
| |
| +---images
| | logo.png # Boilerplate logo.
| |
| +---layouts # Layouts.
| | AuthorizedLayout.tsx
| | GuestLayout.tsx
| |
| +---models # Models which used in application.
| | ILoginModel.ts
| | IPersonModel.ts
| | IServiceUser.ts
| | ISessionData.ts
| | Result.ts # Result pattern realization.
| |
| +---pages # Application pages.
| | ExamplePage.tsx
| | HomePage.tsx
| | LoginPage.tsx
| |
| +---services # Isomorphic JS services which incapsulate the fetch logic.
| | AccountService.ts # Fake authorization service.
| | PersonService.ts # Example service.
| | ServiceBase.ts # Isomorphic service base.
| |
| +---store # Redux stores.
| | index.ts # Stores definition.
| | LoginStore.ts
| | PersonStore.ts # Example store definition.
| |
| \---styles
| authorizedLayout.scss # Styles for authorized layout.
| guestLayout.scss # Styles for guest layout.
| loader.scss # Loader component styles.
| main.scss # Common styles.
| preloader.css # First run preloader styles.
| AccountController.cs # Fake accounts controller.
| ControllerBase.cs # Incapsulates fake authorization properties.
| MainController.cs # Entry point controller.
| PersonController.cs # Example controller.
| ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs # Incapsulates methods which allow you to define lazy DI-containers.
+---Infrastructure # Folder for the infranstructure classes.
| ExceptionMiddleware.cs # Middleware which allows you to catch exceptions during the runtime.
| Result.cs # Result pattern realization on the server-side.
| ServiceBase.cs # Facade as service pattern base class.
| LoginModel.cs # Model for fake authorization.
| PersonModel.cs # Model for the example.
| ServiceUser.cs
| SessionData.cs # Isomorphic session data.
+---Services # Contains server-side services implementations.
| AccountService.cs # Fake accounts service.
| PersonService.cs # Example service implementation.
| | _ViewImports.cshtml
| | _ViewStart.cshtml
| |
| +---Main
| | Index.cshtml # Entry-point which incapsulates root app HTML container.
| |
| \---Shared
| Error.cshtml
\---wwwroot # Root folder where will be located client-side bundles.