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This Visual Studio Code extension provides a collection of code snippets for various programming languages and frameworks. These snippets are designed to enhance productivity by allowing users to quickly insert commonly used code patterns using predefined shortcuts.
Angular Routing Module (ng_routingmodule):
- Create an Angular routing module.
Angular Module (ng_module):
- Create an Angular module.
Angular Service (ng_service):
- Create an Angular service.
Angular Component (ng_component):
- Create an Angular component.
Rails Controller (rails_controller):
- Create a Rails controller.
Rails Model (rails_model):
Rails Migration (rails_migration):
- Create a Rails migration.
Rails Route (rail_sroute):
Rails View (ERB) (railsview):
- Create a Rails view (ERB).
Rails Controller Test (rails_controllertest):
- Create a Rails controller test.
Node.js HTTP Server (node_httpserver):
- Create a basic Node.js HTTP server.
Node.js Express App (node_expressapp):
- Create a basic Node.js Express app.
Node.js Read File (node_readfile):
Node.js Write File (nodewritefile):
- Write to a file in Node.js.
Node.js Basic Module (nodemodule):
- Create a basic Node.js module.
MongoDB Connection (Native Driver) (node_mongodbconnection):
- Connect to MongoDB using the Native Driver.
MongoDB Connection (Mongoose) (node_mongowithmongoose):
- Connect to MongoDB using Mongoose.
MongoDB Connection (Monk) (node_mongowithmonk):
- Connect to MongoDB using Monk.
Mongoose Model with Validation (node_mongooseModel):
- Create a Mongoose model with validation.
React Native Navigation (React Navigation) (rnative_navigation):
- Create a basic React Native navigation using React Navigation.
React Native TouchableOpacity (rnative_touchableopacity):
- Create a React Native TouchableOpacity component.
React Native StyleSheet (rnative_stylesheet):
- Create a React Native StyleSheet.
React Native Login Screen (rnative_loginscreen):
- Create a basic React Native login screen.
React Native Functional Component (rnative_functionalcomponent):
- Create a React Native functional component.
React Native Class Component (rnative_classcomponent):
- Create a React Native class component.
HTML5 Boilerplate (html5_helloworld):
HTML Document Structure (html_nav):
HTML Form (html_form):
HTML Image (html_image):
HTML Video (html_video):
HTML Link to External Stylesheet (html_externalstyle):
- HTML Link to External Stylesheet.
HTML Script Tag (html_scripttag):
HTML Table (html_table):
HTML Button (htmlbutton):
HTML Text Input (htmlinputtext):
HTML Input and JS Operation (html_inputjsoperation):
- HTML Input and JS Operation.
HTML Anchor Tag (html_anchortag):
"Create a React functional component."
"Create a React class component."
"Create a React component with props."
"Create a React component with state."
"Create a React component with event handling."
"Create a React component with conditional rendering."
"Create a React component mapping through an array."
"Create a React component with useEffect hook."
"Create a React form capturing form state."
"Create a React child component and send data to the parent component."
"Create a React parent component that receives data from a child component."
"Create a React component using the useImperativeHandle hook."
"Create a React component using the useRef hook."
"Create a React component using the useMemo hook."
"Create a React component using the useCallback hook."
"Create a React Link component using react-router-dom."
"Create a React Route component using react-router-dom."
"Create a Redux store setup in a separate file (store.js)."
"Redux async action for fetching events."
"Redux reducer for handling getallevent actions."
"Redux store setup with combined reducers."
"React application setup with Redux and ReactDOM."
Contributions and suggestions are welcome! -By NikForTech ,Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.