ezjson READMEEZJson makes it simple to work with JSON FeaturesSimply highlight your JSON to do be prompted to do one of the following
To toggle the extensions features, use ctrl + shift + j on windows or cmd + shift + j on mac To be added: gif animations of how to use RequirementsCurrently supported for javascript and typescript file types. Extension SettingsActivate Extension "command": "ezJSON.activateExtension" Toggle ezJSON Extension "command": "ezJSON.toggleExtension", Note: Extension should activate on focus of a JS or TS file, however if it does not, try ctrl + shift + j Known Issuesplease forward known issues to bronzevinebusiness@gmail.com so that I may log and remedy Release Notes0.0.1Initial release of ezJson 0.0.2released support for stringifying normal JSON and parsing stringified JSON 0.0.3released documentation Enjoy! |