CLPS2C (Custom Language for PlayStation 2 Cheats) - Visual Studio Code extension
A Visual Studio Code extension that provides language support for .clps2c files.
How to use
Get CLPS2C-Compiler
Optional: Add CLPS2C-Compiler.exe's folder to the PATH environment variable (restart Visual Studio Code if already open).
Download the "CLPS2C-Test" folder from this repository.
In Visual Studio Code open the Extension window (Ctrl+Shift+X), search for "clps2c" and install the extension.
In Visual Studio Code open the "CLPS2C-Test" folder by selecting 'File -> Open Folder'.
The extension uses a "settings.json" file to communicate with the compiler. The file must be in the same folder as the input file. Edit the "settings.json" file following these guidelines. There are 4 possible key-value pairs:
"exe". It specifies the filepath of CLPS2C-Compiler.exe.
If it's in the PATH environment variable, set its value to "undefined": "exe": "undefined"
If not, explicitly declare the filepath: "exe": "C:\\Users\\admin\\Downloads\\CLPS2C-Compiler\\CLPS2C-Compiler.exe"
If the filepath contains spaces, two single quotation mark symbols (') must be placed after the root of the path (e.g. "C:\\") and at the end: "exe": "C:\\'Users\\admin\\Downloads\\CLPS2C Compiler\\CLPS2C Test\\My Project\\CLPS2C-Compiler.exe'"
"output". It specifies the filepath to which the output will be written to.
If the output file should have the same name as the input file with "-Output" appended to the file name, set its value to "undefined": "output": "undefined"
If the output should be saved to a specific file, modify the value accordingly: "output": "C:\\Users\\admin\\Downloads\\pcsx2\\cheats\\SCUS-97316_07652DD9testmod.pnach"
"pnach". The app, by default, produces RAW lines.
Set its value to "true" to convert them to Pnach-formatted lines: "pnach": "true"
"dtype". The app, by default, converts "If" commands to E-type codes.
Set its value to "true" to convert them to D-type codes: "dtype": "true"
Open the "CLPS2C-Test.clps2c" file.
Access Visual Studio Code's command palette by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+P or F1 and select:
CLPS2C: Compile CLPS2C to parse the opened file (the file that currently is in focus). Note that the command automatically saves the file.
View: Toggle Terminal to reveal the terminal window if it's hidden. A terminal with the name "CLPS2C-Terminal" will display the launched command (it gets created after running the "CLPS2C: Compile CLPS2C" command for the first time).
CLPS2C: Paste example code to paste a CLPS2C example code.
CLPS2C: Assembly - Paste example code to paste a CLPS2C example code that uses assembly.
CLPS2C: Assembly - Paste registers to paste a documentation of register-use convention used in assembly.
CLPS2C: Assembly - Paste arithmetic instructions to paste common arithmetic instructions used in assembly.
CLPS2C: Assembly - Paste logical instructions to paste common logical instructions used in assembly.
CLPS2C: Assembly - Paste load and store instructions to paste common load and store instructions used in assembly.
CLPS2C: Assembly - Paste branch and jump instructions to paste common branch and jump instructions used in assembly.
CLPS2C: Assembly - Paste floating point instructions to paste common floating point instructions used in assembly.
CLPS2C: Compile CLPS2C command doesn't seem to work.
Open the "CLPS2C-Terminal" terminal by executing the command View: Toggle Terminal in Visual Studio Code's command palette.
Make sure the console does not specify any errors.
If the value of the "exe" key in the settings.json file contains spaces, two single quotation mark symbols (') must be placed after the root of the path (e.g. "C:\\") and at the end: "exe": "C:\\'Users\\admin\\Downloads\\CLPS2C Compiler\\CLPS2C Test\\My Project\\CLPS2C-Compiler.exe'"
Build instructions
Clone the vscode-clps2c repository.
Open cmd, navigate to the created folder and run npm install to add the "node_modules" folder.
Open Visual Studio Code and open the created vscode-clps2c folder.
Press F5 to run a new window of Visual Studio Code with the extension installed.