React Native Generator
In order to install an extension you need to launch the Command Pallete (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P) and type Extensions. There you have either the option to show the already installed snippets or install new ones.
Generator RNC command
project Default project src (screens, store, configs, navigation, utils)
'folder_name' Create new folder with 'folder name'
'src/folder_name' Create new relative path 'src/folder_name
Snippets for React Native
rngScreen Default Screen React Native
rngpScreen Default Pure Screen React Native
rngModal Default Modal React Native
rngGET Default Function Method GET
rngPOST Default Function Method POST
rngFlatList Default FlatList React Native
rngStyleCenter Default Style Center
rngTouchableOpacity Default TouchableOpacity
rngReceiveProps Default ReceiveProps
rngBorderStyle Default Border Radius
rngag Method axios GET
rngap Method axios POST
rngvk View auto height keyboard
Snipets only for @idtek/core-mobile
rngff Idtek core mobile FormField
- render function (results) => {component}
- required bool false
- style object
- styleField object
- styleCoverTitle object
- styleTitle object
- styleError object
- iconMd string
- iconIOs string
- iconFa string
- iconSize int
- iconColor string
- titlePosition string top
- errorPosition string bottom
- highlightBorderError bool false
- highlightBorderColor string red
rngtf Idtek core mobile TextField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: value
- styleCoverInput object
- textInputProps object
- styleTextInput object
- styleClearButton object
- iconClear string ios-close-circle
- styleIconClear object
rngrf Idtek core mobile RadioField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component, onChange(idSelected) } // in Obj: data, onChange(id)
- styleCoverRadio object
- styleItem object
- styleCircle object
- styleCircleInside object
- styleText object
rngcf Idtek core mobile CheckboxField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component, onChecked(item, (true/false)) } // in Obj: data, onChecked(item, checked)
- renderItem function (results) => {} // item, index, checked, onCheckChange()
- styleCoverCheckbox object
- styleItem object
- styleSquare object
- styleSquareInside object
- styleText object
rngdf Idtek core mobile DropdownField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: itemSelected
- styleItem object
- stylePlaceholder object
- placeHolder string
- styleText object
- numberOfLines int
- icon stirng md-arrow-dropdown
- styleIcon object
rngdmf Idtek core mobile DropdownMultiField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: data
- renderItem function (item, index) => { component }
- keyDisplay string name
- styleDropdownMulti object
- placeholder string
- stylePlaceholder object
- styleItem object
- styleText object
rngdpf Idtek core mobile DatePickerField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: value
- styleDatePicker object
- placeHolder string
- stylePlaceholder object
- styleText object
- mode string datetime
- formatType string DD/MM/YYYY
- icon string md-calendar
- styleIcon object
rngdrf Idtek core mobile DateRangeField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: startDate, endDate
- styleDateRange object
- styleDate object
- styleStartDate object
- styleEndDate object
- styleLabel object
- styleText object
- formatType string DD/MM/YYYY
- icon string md-arrow-forward
- styleIcon object
- labelStart string Từ:
- labelEnd string Đến:
rngdtrf Idtek core mobile DateTimeRangeField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: startDate, endDate, onOpenStartDate(), onOpenEndDate(), onOpenModal(0/1)
- styleBody object
- styleDateTimeRange object
- styleLabel object
- styleText object
- formatType string DD/MM/YYYY - HH:mm
- placeholder string
- stylePlaceholder object
- icon string md-calendar
- styleIcon object
- labelStart string Từ:
- labelEnd string Đến:
rngiaf Idtek core mobile InputAreaField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: value
- styleCoverInputArea object
- propsInputArea object
- styleClearButton (only Android) object
- icon (only Android) string ios-close-circle
- styleIcon (only Android) object
rngmypf Idtek core mobile MonthYearPickerField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: value
- styleMonthYearPicker object
- placeHolder string
- stylePlaceholder object
- styleText object
- formatType string DD/MM/YYYY
- icon string md-calendar
- styleIcon object
rngmyprf Idtek core mobile MonthYearPickerRangeField
- renderValue function (obj) => { component } // in Obj: startDate, endDate, onOpenModal()
- styleMonthYearPickerRange object
- styleDate object
- styleStartDate object
- styleEndDate object
- styleLabel object
- styleText object
- formatType string MM/YYYY
- icon string md-arrow-forward
- styleIcon object
- labelStart string Từ:
- labelEnd string Đến:
rngvfa Idtek core mobile ViewFieldArray