This is a vscode extension to easily insert a nano id at the current point of focus. It provides 3 commands + shortcuts for different sizes.
Default sizes:
large: 36,
medium: 21,
small: 10.
The default seed only includes numbers as well as lowercase and uppercase letters.
The first character will always be a letter.
This is to make it easier to use the ids as object properties, since strings with hyphens and strings with a starting number will require special attention.
Use this extension
In Editor
place your focus where you want to insert a nano id in your editor
use command palette
press ctrl+shift+p or f1 to open command palette
run either command for small nano id for large nano id for medium nano id
shift+alt+u 1 for small nano id
shift+alt+u 2 for medium nano id
shift+alt+u 3 for large nano id
mac shortcuts
shift+option+u 1 for small nano id
shift+option+u 2 for medium nano id
shift+option+u 3 for large nano id
NOTE: shift+alt+u 1 doesn't mean pressing all 4 keys together, but rather pressing shift+alt+u together, letting go and then pressing 1
In terminal
place your focus where you want to insert a nano id in your terminal
use command palette
press ctrl+shift+p or f1 to open command palette
run either command for small nano id for large nano id for medium nano id
use shortcuts
same as in editor
Size and seed can be customized for each command/shortcut via extension Settings
ctrl+shift+p or f1 to open command palette
search for nano-id-gen
reload vscode! (ctrl+shift+p or f1 and then enter reload)