The NXP's MCUXpresso for VS Code extension makes NXP devices (based on ARM Cortex-M cores) easy to use right from Microsoft Visual Studio Code environment.
Support MCUXpresso SDK, Zephyr, Open-CMSIS-Pack and Matter software repositories integration.
Project options to manage components, build, flash and debug.
Build configuration GUI editor.
Device Tree viewer, Kconfig syntax highlighting for Zephyr support, context options to open interactive Kconfig interface (guiconfig) and integrated terminal for Zephyr based environment.
Integrated with existing VS Code support for managing files, editing facilities, source control.
Detailed analysis of an application image structure (Callgraph, Memory and Files details inside Image Info viewer).
Various binary utilities (to create bin, hex or S-Record type of images, executable information) accessible right from the context menu of executable files.
Single/multi core [ARM Cortex-M] debug support relying on own debug adapter based on the popular Cortex-Debug solution.
Debug support for J-Link, LinkServer and PEmicro probes with detection for available connected devices.
Support for LPC, Kinetis microcontrollers and i.MX RT crossover processors.
Dedicated Flash Programmer GUI.
Baremetal Heap and Stack debug viewer.
Integration with "Serial Monitor" extension for UART and semihosting console support.
Integration with "Memory Inspector" extension from Eclipse CDT Cloud.
RTOS dedicated view for Threads/Tasks monitoring on Zephyr and FreeRTOS.
SWO console for monitoring debug messages using ITM.
Online and offline Peripherals viewer.
Quickstart panel view with quick access to various operations, including import project, flash programmer interface, links to documentation.