This extension tries to be a replacement for the web side of the standart mii workbench.
Install & enable extension
From 'Command Palette' type 'mii: create config' and press enter
Now configure the miisync.json file.
There must be one main system to connect to. Set isMain property 'true' for one of the systems.
Upload to / Download and Delete from MII system.
Get file properties upon opening file.
When uploading, prompts file creation if it doesn't exist on the system.
Prompts to download file if it has been modified by other user.
Upload to / Download from MII system.
When uploading, prompts folder creation if it doesn't exist on the system.
Transfer folder between systems.
View remote directory and download certain folder/file from it.
Open the current screen with command or right click on index.html
Planned Features
Visual Studio Code.
MII system to connect to.
.vscode/miisync.json file for full features.
Extension Settings
Session Duration: How long does session lasts in minutes in the MII system.
Refresh Session: Should extension perodically send request to renew session?
Request Limit: The maximum number of requests to server it can send. Used in folder download/upload/transfer. Increasing it can introduce instability.
Show Diff Notification: Should the extension see if the currently opened file is different from the remote file and show a notification if it is?
Your folder must contain miisync.json file in .vscode folder to work.
miisync.json settings:
localPath is the folder that contains used .vscode/miisync.json. (if rootconfig enabled then it path calculation starts from there)
system: Array of systems to connect to.
name: Name of the system. Your choice
isMain: Only one of the system must be true. Connects to this system.
severity: Severity level of the system. The higher the more confirms asked for operations.
host: Address of the target system. google or 11.22.33
port: Port of the target system. 100, 50000.
username: Your username in the mii system to authenticate.
password: Your pasword in the mii system to authenticate. If not provided in the file extension will ask the password during.
remotePath: Remote project path. Must start with the project name.
Example: If you want to work on "productStoppageScreen" then your remote path should be like "PROJECT/PLANT2/Stoppages/productStoppageScreen". If you want to work on "PLANT2" screens then it should be "PROJECT/PLANT2".
removeFromLocalPath: Removes any folder name in local path that is not in remote path.
Example: Local folder path is "E:\2023\Projects\ProjectName\webapp\Screen" and the remote path is "ProjectName\Screen" then you should add "webapp" in removeFromLocalPath.
ignore: Items that matches any of these glob patterns does not get uploaded/downloaded. Look at ignore
include: Matched items gets included. Will override ignore if they have the same pattern. Look at ignore
uploadOnSave: Uploads the current file when saved.
downloadOnOpen: Downloads the current file when opened.
useRootConfig: Enables usage of another miisync.json outside of the workspace.
rootConfig: Path of another miisync.json file to be used.
Create Config: Creates miisync.json file in the workspace thus activating the extension. Your first command.
Log in: Logs in your user. Normally extension should automatically log in when activated.
Log out: Logs out your user.
Disable/Enable Upload on Save: Enables/Disables upload functionality when a file is saved.
Disable/Enable Download on Open: Enables/Disables download functionality when a file is opened.