Namma DSL vscode Extension
To install
Search lsp-namma-dsl in vscode extensions
To use
- Open any dsl file with any of these extensions (.yaml | .nd | .ndsl | .nammadsl)
- Type '#!api' at the top of the file to tell lsp it's a Api dsl file
- Or type '#!storage' to trigger storage related lsp
For Running Locally and Testing
- Run
npm install inside lsp folder
- Open vscode in the lsp folder
- Run
npm run compile to compile
- Switch to the Run and Debug View in the Sidebar Command+Shift+D
- Select
Launch Namma DSL Client from the drop down
- Press ▷ to run the launch config (F5).
- Open a .yaml | .nd | .ndsl | .nammadsl to file to trigger the extension in the new vscode window
Packing Namma DSL Extension
To make a package (vsix) just run npm run pack
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