This extension has been created to make the life of the Mysolution AL Developer easier.
From time to time, new features will be added to this extension.
The functionality in this extension is basically grouped into 2 sections:
General availability
Everyone developing AL applications can use this.
Mysolution Internal availability
Functionality useable for Mysolution internal people only (i.e. because it's designed talk to an internal web service)
In order to be able to use the 'pick first available object id' functionality, a seperate install of Node.js is neccesary.
The included node.js version in VS Code does not work together with de node-expose-sspi module (
Please install the latest Node.js from
General available
Build app and create Translation file (Missing Captions)
Build app and create Translation file (All Captions)
Build app and create Translation file (Current Object Missing Captions)
Build app and create Translation file (Current Object All Captions)
Process Translation file and Publish local (for testing)
Process Translation file and Publish local (with debug, for testing)
Process Translation file, keep the xlf and Publish local
Process Translation file and keep the xlf (no publishing)
Uses Microsoft Translator Cognitive services to do auto-translation
Mysolution Internal available only
Possibility to pick the first available object id from a central database and reserve it
Possibility to remove the reseration for a previous reserved object id
Snippets for definition of vars for most used Mysolution tables
This tranlation functions create a csv file with missing translations per setup language locale based on a delta between the global xlf language file and the locale xlf language file.
Mysolution Internal | The created csv file(s) can then be edited and checked in to Devops. The build pipeline will then take the csv file and process it into the master xlf file.
General | You can run the "Process" commands to process the language files locally.