Leap Extension for Visual Studio CodeLeap provides an easy way to move the cursor in vscode without using the mouse. Based on leap.nvim Feature OverviewLeap lets you jump to any location in the visible editor area by entering a two-character search pattern and then possibly a tag character to select your destination from multiple matches. The default key assignment to open the Leap widget is Extension SettingsKeybindingsDefine new keybinds using the SettingsWhen searching for Emulating VimExample using the Vim extension, mimicking leap.nvim:
Known IssuesNone, but feel free to report any bugs you may find :) Release Notes0.0.4Added options for forward/backwards search and custom labels. The extension now runs in remote work spaces. 0.0.3The behaviour when searching for whitespaces has been improved. 0.0.2The end of a line now acts as if it had trailing whitspaces. Try jumping to the end of it by pressing 0.0.1Initial release 🎉 Enjoy! |