imageInsertText: The text to insert in the file when pasting or dragging an image.{imagePath} will be replaced by the image path specified in imagePathPattern.
The name of images should not contain spaces or Chinese characters.
filter html files
filter markdown files
citation auto-complete
enableCite: Whether to enable the citation auto-complete.
bibtexPath: The path of the bibtex library(.bib) used for citation auto-complete. If left empty, the extension will search the working folder. If no bibtex file found, this feature will be disabled.
citePattern: The pattern of the citation. {title}, {author}, {journal}, {date}, {DOI},volume,page.
Make sure each terms in the bibtex file has citation key.
To enable quick suggestion for Markdown, add into settings.json:
"[markdown]": {
"editor.quickSuggestions": true
replace MathJax library in html files
mathJaxPath: The path of the MathJax library. This is used to for replacing the mathjax library in the html files.
The feature of pasting image from clipboard is inspired by Paste Image.
The feature of creating html files from markdown files requires the extension Markdown Preview Enhanced.