SvelteKit Snippets
This Extension adds snippets for SvelteKit.
Snippets for javascript
and typescript
will expand to:
import {} from "@sveltejs/kit";
in Javascript will expand to:
/** @type {import("./$types").RequestHandler} */
export function GET(event) {
return json({});
in Typescript will expand to:
export const GET = ((event) => {
return json({});
}) satisfies RequestHandler;
in Javascript will expand to:
/** @type {import("./$types").PageData} */
export let data;
in Typescript will expand to:
import type { PageData } from "./$types";
export let data: PageData;
Many other snippets like:
, $get
, $post
, $patch
, $put
, $delete
, $pageload
, $pageserverload
, $pagedata
, $layoutload
, $layoutserverload
, $layoutdata
,, $actions
, $handle
, $handlefetch
, $handleservererror
, $handleclienterror
, $environment
, $forms
, $navigation
, $paths
, $stores
, $envstaticpublic
, $envstaticprivate
, $envdynamicpublic
, $envdynamicprivate
, $serviceworker
, $hooks
, $node
, $polyfills
, $vite
, $lib
, $internal
Release Notes
Fixed example on documentation
Added $actions
, $handle
, $handlefetch
, $handleservererror
, $handleclienterror
, $layoutload
, $layoutserverload
Added hints in snippets descriptions about in what files each snippet "should" be used most commonly (When applicable)
Fixed minor error on documentation
Added Issues Tracker to the documentation
Added basic support for TypeScript
Better documentation on
Initial release of Svelte Snippets by MrAmericanMike
Requests - Ideas
Do you have a request or idea for the extension. Please post it on our Discussion Board on GitHub
Please report any issues on GitHub Issues Tracker
Pending features
Determine if it's possible for a snippets extension to have a configuration option and use it so the final user can decide if they want single or double quotes