A visual studio code extension for leetcode. This powerful extension streamlines your LeetCode experience by allowing you to effortlessly fetch problem details and run multiple test cases all within the convenience of Visual Studio Code.
Fetch Test Cases: Fetch input and output test cases from a LeetCode problem URL.
Create Solution File: Create a C++ or Python file with a basic template to start solving the problem.
Run Test Cases: Run your solution against the fetched test cases and compare the results.
Option 1: Install from VS Code Marketplace:
open vs code -> go to extensions view -> search for leetcph ->install the extension
But this only works when all the dependencied(for creating an extension) have been already installed on your device
Option 2: Install from GitHub:
If the first method doesn't work do the following
Use the command CPH: Fetch Test Cases to fetch test cases from a LeetCode problem URL. You will be prompted to enter the URL and select the file type (C++ or Python).
Create Solution File
A solution file (solution.cpp or solution.py) will be created in your workspace with a basic template.
Run Test Cases
Use the command CPH: Run Test Cases to run your solution against the fetched test cases. The results will be compared with the expected output, and you will see a PASSED or FAILED message.
If the message is FAILED then it also shows the wrong output and the expected output.
Ensure the langauage you are coding in (Python or C++) is installed in your system.
If you are downloading from vs code extension view
Ensure that npm is installed in your system
Install puppereer in your system by npm install puppeteer
Extension Settings
This extension does not add any VS Code settings.
Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS).
Run CPH: Fetch Test Cases.
Enter the LeetCode problem URL (e.g., https://leetcode.com/problems/roman-to-integer/description/).
Select the file type (C++ or Python).
Write your solution in the created solution.cpp or solution.py file.
Run CPH: Run Test Cases and select the file type to test your solution.
Future enhancements
Fix issue of extension downloaded directly from vs code doesn't work on all devices.
Automated input size addition(for vectors) for better user workflow.
Add support for more languages.
If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request.