kvlang README
A Visual Studio Code extension with small support for the KvLang language of Kivy: Cross-platform Python Framework for NUI Development
- Key words highlighting
- Kivy language snippets
- Basic snippets of the uix widget inside class rule
- Linter syntax parser with error detection using language server for KvLang
- KvLang as Embedded language in files with python extension
Quick Start
- Install the extension
- Install Python
- Install Kivy
- Server run with default Python path: "python". Value can be changed in settings kvlang.pythonPath
- Visual Studio Code 1.34.0 or newer
- Python 3.x or 2.7 for the language server
- Kivy open source Python library
- Windows 10 with Python 3.7.0
- Ubuntu 18.10 with Python 2.7.15
- Add code formatting
- Add IntelliSense support
- Improve Kvlang Language Server
Known Issues
- Language server is implemented in Python. Lack of it will cause problems with extension
- Kivy module is also mandatory. KvLint will show only basic lint information when module is missing from used python path
- When lint messages are not cleared or updated, restart of Visual Code is required
Embedded language
- To activate new functionality special keyword must be used for language detection
- Two snippets can be used in the extension to create current keyword "kveb" and "kvev"
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