1 |
!valemail |
Email Address Validation |
N/A |
2 |
!valhexcol |
Hexadecimal Color Validation |
N/A |
3 |
!valpass |
Password Validation (1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 special) |
2 Inputs: min and max length for the password |
4 |
!valisbn |
ISBN Number Validation |
N/A |
5 |
!valipv4 |
IPV4 Address Validation |
N/A |
6 |
!valipv6 |
IPV6 Address Validation |
N/A |
7 |
!valmmddyy |
Date Validation In mm/dd/yy format (Separator does not matter) |
N/A |
8 |
!valmonddyyyy |
Date Validation In mon/dd/yyyy format (Ex: Jan/23/2001, Separator does not matter) |
N/A |
9 |
!valmonth |
Month Validation (Both Full and Abbreviated Form, Ex: Jan(uary)) |
N/A |
10 |
!extprice |
Extract Price Value from any string |
1 Input: currency_symbol for the currency you want to use |
11 |
!parehead |
Parse an Email Header to retrieve "To" address |
N/A |
12 |
!valfbllink |
Check if the given Facebook Profile Link is valid |
N/A |
13 |
!valcc |
Credit Card Validation (Does not check for fake numbers) Supported Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, and JCB |
N/A |
14 |
!valusername |
Username Validation with minimum and maximum characters |
2 Inputs: MIN_CHARS and MAX_CHARS |
15 |
!exturl |
Extract URLs from a string |
N/A |
16 |
!getiever |
Get the current Internet Explorer Version being used |
N/A |
17 |
!valimage |
Validate image filenames (Remove/ADD extensions as required) |
N/A |
18 |
!valcityabbr |
Validate City Names (Or any words) with First 2 letters abbreviated (Ex: India, IN) |
N/A |
19 |
!valusphone |
US Phone Number Validation |
N/A |
20 |
!valssn |
Social Security Number Validation |
N/A |
21 |
!valhtmlcont |
Verify if the given string contains content between the provided html tags (Ex: <p>Hello</p> ) |
1 Input: tag_name for the HTML Tag you want to search for |
22 |
!valhtmltag |
Validates if the given string has either a opening or closing HTML tag (Does not verify if the HTML Tag exists) |
N/A |
23 |
!valtwitter |
Twitter Username Validation |
N/A |
24 |
!valurl |
URL Validation |
N/A |
25 |
!valgooglesyn |
Google Search Syntax Validation |
N/A |
26 |
!extcssmedia |
Extract properties and values from CSS Media Queries |
N/A |
27 |
!exthtmlcomms |
Strip all comments from a HTML Code Block |
N/A |
28 |
!extcss |
Extract Individual CSS Properties from the given Code Block |
N/A |
29 |
!extytid |
Extract Video ID from a valid Youtube Video Link |
N/A |
30 |
!extimgsrc |
Extract image source links from HTML Image Tags |
N/A |
31 |
!valbase64 |
Base64 String Validation |
N/A |
32 |
!septhousand |
Seperates the digits in the string to thousand with commas |
N/A |
33 |
!valchars |
Validate if the the string contains atleast one occurrence of the Character to be searched |
1 Input: chars_to_be_searched |
34 |
!valspaces |
Convert multiple spaces to single spaces between each word in a string |
N/A |
35 |
!extsqrbracks |
Extract Square Brackets and the content between them |
N/A |
36 |
!valalpnum |
Non-Alphanumeric Characters Validation |
N/A |
37 |
!extlogs |
Extract native Javascript console and AngularJS $log log warn or info that are NOT comments / commented out |
N/A |
38 |
!extbrackscont |
Extract all brackets and the content between them |
N/A |
39 |
!addlinktag |
Adds Link Tags to all the strings that start with http or https (Full Function Provided) |
N/A |
40 |
!findocurrences |
Provides a function to calculate the number of times the provided character(s) have appeared in the string (Returns 0 when no ocurrences found) |
2 Inputs: string on which the match should be applied and string_to_search for the string to be searched for |
41 |
!valuuidv1 |
UUID v1 Validation |
N/A |
42 |
!valuuidv2 |
UUID v2 Validation |
N/A |
43 |
!valuuidv3 |
UUID v3 Validation |
N/A |
44 |
!valuuidv4 |
UUID v4 Validation |
N/A |
45 |
!valuuidv5 |
UUID v5 Validation |
N/A |
46 |
!extquotes |
Extracts any text between quotations (Works with nested quotes too) |
N/A |
47 |
!splitnchunks |
Splits the given string to n-sized chunks even if its size is not an exact multiple |
1 Input: end_size for chunk size |
48 |
!valzip |
Zip Code(5 or 9 digits only) Validation |
N/A |
49 |
!valendswith |
Check if the provided string ends with the given Character |
1 Input: character which the string should end with |
50 |
!extdomain |
Extract the domain from a valid URL string |
N/A |
51 |
!tocamel |
Returns a function which converts the given string to camelCase |
1 Input: string to be replaced |
52 |
!valjwt |
Validates if the given string is a valid JSON Web Token (JWT) |
N/A |
53 |
!valjson |
Validates if the given string is a valid Non-array JSON |
N/A |
54 |
!valspecialusername |
Validates if the given string is in the form of test@test |
N/A |
55 |
!multispace |
Replaces all the spaces in the given string with a single space |
N/A |
56 |
!nonalphanumeric |
Replaces all the non-alphanumeric characters in the given string with a single space |
N/A |
57 |
!blankline |
Validates if the given string is blank line |
N/A |
58 |
!positiveint |
Checks if the given string is a valid positive integer |
N/A |
59 |
!positivedecimal |
Validates if the given string is a valid positive decimal |
N/A |
60 |
!positivedecimal1 |
Validates if the given string is a valid positive decimal with a single decimal digit |
N/A |
61 |
!ssn |
Validates if the given string is a valid Social Security Number |
N/A |
62 |
!valdate |
Validate if the given string is a valid date |
N/A |
63 |
!replacefont |
Replaces all the font tags in the given string with a single space |
N/A |