Polacode — Polaroid for your code 📸What's different in Polacode MK?I personally use the remote (ssh) development setup most of the time, and found that the original Polacode does not support saving screenshots to my local machine. I would have to save screenshots in my remote drive and download it separately :( I decided to fix that one little bug. I also made a small update to the default screenshot file path so that it doesn't assume I have a subdirectory Why?You have spent countless hours finding the perfect JavaScript grammar, matching it with a sleek-looking VS Code theme, trying out all the best programming fonts. You take three days porting over your theme before starting to use VS Code. The code has to look right. Tips
DemoMaterial Theme Palenight + Fira Code CreditThanks to @tsayen for making dom-to-image, which Polacode is using for generating the images. Thanks to Dawn Labs for making Carbon that inspired Polacode. Many color are taken from the elegant Nord theme by @arcticicestudio. Download button animation is made with Vivus. ContributionContribution is not very welcome. Please open an issue first so I can stop you from complicating the UX. LicenseMIT |